December is not a good time to lose weight

Das meine ich genau so, wie es da steht. Wenn du mit deinem Zustand nicht 100% zufrieden bist, dann nimm ihn auch nicht so hin. Gib dich nicht länger mit weniger zufrieden! Wenn Veränderung ansteht, merken wir das. Es ist dieses anfangs noch undefinierbare Gefühl von leichter Unruhe, ein Kribbeln und manchmal gepaart mit sowas wie […]
December is not a good time to lose weight

Das meine ich genau so, wie es da steht. Wenn du mit deinem Zustand nicht 100% zufrieden bist, dann nimm ihn auch nicht so hin. Gib dich nicht länger mit weniger zufrieden! Wenn Veränderung ansteht, merken wir das. Es ist dieses anfangs noch undefinierbare Gefühl von leichter Unruhe, ein Kribbeln und manchmal gepaart mit sowas wie […]
December is not a good time to lose weight

I recently picked up this sentence from a conversation. My immediate thought was: I absolutely agree with you. Why? If you are convinced of this, then it will be exactly the same. December will not help you lose weight. This is also the case with all other goals that are directly thwarted by negative thoughts. […]
December is not a good time to lose weight

I recently picked up this sentence from a conversation. My immediate thought was: I absolutely agree with you. Why? If you are convinced of this, then it will be exactly the same. December will not help you lose weight. This is also the case with all other goals that are directly thwarted by negative thoughts. […]
5 signs of a successful dietary change

Are you insecure whether your nutrition really suits you and don’t know exactly what really matters? I’ll explain the 5 most common characteristics that help you recognizing your nutrition is successful and really suits you. Satisfaction and contentment all day long You are full and satisfied. A balanced meal not only provides you with all […]
Insulin? Well, the one with the bouncer and the party

I like to call insulin the “gatekeeper” of our cells. It transports glucose from the blood into the cells and thus regulates the blood sugar level. If the rush at the door becomes too great and the crowd increasingly impatient, more bouncers are needed to quickly bring the situation under control. In the meantime, more […]